To submit a petition by means of the platform, please enter the platform (See "How to become a platform user" section) and follow the steps in the section "CREATE NEW PETITION":
In case the petition is submitted in your name:
- Select "Submitted in my name" in the "Submission options" field;
- Enter your registration or residence address, as well as, optionally, your phone number in the "MAIN INITIATOR DETAILS".
In case the petition is submitted in the name of another physical entity:
- Select "Authorized by another physical entity" in the "Submission options" field;
- Select "Physical entity" in the "MAIN INITIATOR DETAILS";
- Enter your registration or residence address, as well as, optionally, your phone number in the "RESPONSIBLE PERSON DETAILS";
- Enter the name, last name, registration or residence address, email address, as well as, optionally, the phone number of the main initiator of the petition in the "MAIN INITIATOR DETAILS";
- Upload the license, issued by the main initiator in your name, authorizing you to submit the petition in his name and act as the responsible person for the petition.
In case the petition is submitted in the name of a legal entity:
- Select "Authorized by another entity" in the "Submission options" field;
- Select "Legal entity" in the "MAIN INITIATOR DETAILS";
- Enter your registration or residence address, as well as, optionally, your phone number in the "RESPONSIBLE PERSON DETAILS";
- Enter the TIN, name, legal address, email address, as well as, optionally, the phone number of the petition main initiator organization in the "MAIN INITIATOR DETAILS";
- Upload the license, issued by the head of the main initiator organization’s executive body in your name, authorizing you to submit the petition in the name of the organization and act as the responsible person for the petition.
- Select collective or individual type of petition in the "Petition type" field;
- Indicate if the petition is public or not in the "Publicity" field;
- Fill in "Represented state or local self-administration body", "Industry", "Title of the petition", and the "Suggestion submitted by the petition" fields, as well as the "Name, last name, and the position of the official person" and the "Justification submitted by the petition" fields, if needed, in the "CONTENTS OF THE PETITION".
- Upload documents and materials, if needed.
This step requires verifying the filled in details. If the details are correct, please move to the next step. In case of errors, return to the previous steps and make the necessary corrections.
To submit the petition, upload the PDF file generated based on the filled-in details, sign the file electronically (Guidelines for electronic signature using identification card, or signing documents using the Mobile ID), and press "Submit" after uploading the signed document into the system.