How to become the platform user

To become a user of unified platform of petitions you need an electronic identification card (eID) or a mobile identification card (mID).

User registration is done at the first entry into the platform.

To enter the platform with electronic identification card (eID) please follow the below steps:

  1. Insert the ID card into the card reading device, press "Enter" and select "eID" from the suggested options;
  2. Enter the PIN-code of your identification card.

To enter with mobile identification card (mID) please follow the below steps:

  1. Press "Enter" and select "mID" from the suggested options;
  2. Enter the number of your mobile identification card and confirm the entered information;
  3. Confirm the request sent to your mobile phone number and enter the PIN-code of your identification card.

When entering the platform for the first time, please enter your email address, and follow the link in the letter sent to your email address to finish the registration.

How to submit a petition by means of platform

To submit a petition by means of the platform, please enter the platform (See "How to become a platform user" section) and follow the steps in the section "CREATE NEW PETITION"


In case the petition is submitted in your name:

  1. Select "I am submitting on my behalf" in the "Submission method" field;
  2. Enter your registration or residence address, as well as, optionally, your phone number in the "DATA OF THE MAIN INITIATOR".

In case the petition is submitted in the name of another physical person:

  1. Select "I am authorized by another person" in the "Submission method" field;
  2. Select "Physical person" in the "Main initiator";
  3. Enter your registration or residence address, as well as, optionally, your phone number in the 'RESPONSIBLE PERSON DETAILS';
  4. Enter the name, last name, registration or residence address, email address, as well as, optionally, the phone number of the main initiator of the petition in the "DATA OF THE MAIN INITIATOR";

In case the petition is submitted in the name of a legal person:

  1. Select "I am authorized by another person" in the "Submission method" field;
  2. Select "Legal person" in the "Main initiator";
  3. Enter your registration or residence address, as well as, optionally, your phone number in the 'RESPONSIBLE PERSON DETAILS';
  4. Enter the TIN, name, legal address, email address, as well as, optionally, the phone number of the petition main initiator organization in the "DATA OF THE MAIN INITIATOR";


  1. Select collective or individual type of petition in the "Submission method" field;
  2. If you have chosen "Individual petition", also indicate in the "Publicity" field whether the petition is public or not;
  3. Fill in "Represented state or local self-government body", "Field", "Title of the petition", "The offer to be submitted in the resume" and the "Name, surname and position of the official person" fields, as well as the "The justification presented in the application" field, if needed, in the "CONTENT OF THE PETITION".
  4. Upload documents and materials, if needed.


This step requires verifying the filled in details. If the details are correct, please move to the next step. In case of mistakes, return to the previous steps and make the necessary corrections.


To submit the petition, upload the PDF file generated based on the filled-in details, sign the file electronically (Guidelines for electronic signature using identification card, or signing documents using the Mobile ID), and press 'Submit' after uploading the signed document into the system.

How to join a public petition

A public petition gets available for joining within 30-day period after its publication on the unified electronic platform.

To join the public petition please follow the below steps:

  1. Enter the platform;
  2. Open the petition you want to join;
  3. Press "Join the petition" and confirm the action.

To withdraw your public petition support please follow the below steps:

  1. Enter the platform;
  2. Open the petition you want to withdraw from;
  3. Press "Exit the petition" and confirm the action.
How to set up your account

You can set up your account in the platform by entering "Settings"; to access the section, please follow the below steps:

  1. Enter the system;
  2. Open the menu with the arrow next to your name in the upper right corner of the website and select "Settings".

E-mail address

Here you can update your email address. For that enter the new email address, press "Confirm" and follow the link in the letter sent to your email address to complete the action.


Here you can select the notification types you want to receive in your email address. After selection confirm the changes by pressing "Save".


In case you want to get notified of the new petitions published on the platform, select the industries you are interested in the "Subscription" section and confirm your subscription by pressing "Save".